Fuencaliente 2016


At Octobre 2016 we from “Asociación Solidaridad SOS La Palma” gave a donation of about 500€   for people in need to the municipality of Fuencaliente .

Fuencaliente 2016Foto made by the social worker Angeles Rosa from the Town Hall in Fuencaliente.


Never before did we realize how precious drinking water can be.
On Saturday, the 6th of August, we were sitting in the cool shade of our garden. The air outside was sizzling hot, the fire fighter helicopters flew incessantly to contain the fire that had already spread from the western area of the Island to Montes de Luna and Fuencaliente.
As we were sitting, we received a message via whatsapp ’emergency: drinking water shortage in Fuencaliente’.
Right away we, members of “Asociación Solidaridad SOS La Palma”, drove to the supermarket (Spar) at Mazo, packed 200 Litres of drinking water into our cars and off to Fuencaliente. There in the town hall they received us with open arms and beaming faces.
In view of all that was going on at this time, our action certainly amounted to just the proverbial drop in the ocean, but we SOS people were glad to help at least in a small way.(MZ)